CALC is Non-profit
CALC is a 501(c)3 non-profit literacy project serving both young and older adults. We provide this service through the contributions of our volunteers, grants, and donors like you. We welcome all contributions no matter how small. Every little bit helps. Please consider making a contribution in the form of money, in-kind services and goods, or volunteer your valuable time as a tutor or office assistant.
In-Kind Contributions
Our operation has a constant need for simple office supplies such as photo-copy machine paper, notebooks for students, ESL workbooks, GED text books, and countless other expenses. From time-to-time, we hold public fund-raising events such as garage sales or ice cream socials. These not only raise funds, but more importantly provide us the opportunity to tell our story to the public. Contributions to help with these projects is greatly appreciated. Email CALC at to explore this possibility.
Financial Contributions
Financial contributions in the form of grants and personal checks provide us the greatest flexibility to fill deficiencies at CALC. When they accumulate to the point of allowing larger expenditures, we can replace or maintain laptop computers, photocopy machines, or hire part-time assistants. If you are able to help in this way, please download a short contribution form which you can include with your contribution.
CALC's most valuable resource is its volunteers. Please visit our how to become a volunteer page and plan to visit CALC in the Hilo Library at your earliest opportunity. If teaching is not for you, then there are many other tasks that urgently need attention.